Saturday, February 7, 2009

January, 2009

January, 2009
Dear friends and family,
Pictured below is Bishop Peter Kololi of Tanzania, East Africa, scanning the books he received via US Postal Service M-Bag. Of the 39 Leader’s Libraries that I mailed overseas in 2008, 36 have arrived so far in Rwanda (11 of 12), Uganda (9 of 10), Kenya (5 of 5), Tanzania (4 of 4), Ghana (2 of 2), Romania (2 of 2), Bangladesh (1 of 1), India (1 of 1), Democratic Republic of Congo (1 of 1), and Nigeria (0 of 1). That’s 92%.
I have divided forty books into Libraries A (13 books) and B (27 books). The more influential a pastor is, the more books I will send him. Bishop Kololi is not only a key church leader in his region (Babati-Manyara), he also oversees a Bible school, the students of which will have access to his A and B libraries.

One of the faculty members of TNARS (The North American Reformed Seminary),, a free on-line seminary, Rev. Bill Bauerle of the Coram Deo Study Center in Arizona, is currently writing a whole new set of curricula to match the books in Library A. This way, I can mail an application form to TNARS along with the first curriculum (on Knowing God by J.I. Packer) in every M-Bag. The recipients can then begin earning a degree from TNARS without cost, and without ever needing a computer! They simply do all their assignments and exams with pen and paper and mail them back to the US for grading.
Here is an excerpt from an e-mail I recently received from Rev. Bauerle regarding an assignment he received for grading from Pastor Herman Timonah of Kenya:
“This man’s work is delightful on a number of levels. First, the sheer devotion to the work. There is almost 200 handwritten pages he mailed to me. It is written very neatly and readable. I actually am humbled at the labor he has put into this. Secondly, this reads very devotional. The pages drip with a love for the things of God.”
Another TNARS faculty member, Dr. Larry Bray, happens to live very near me, so we meet for lunch on a regular basis to plan and coordinate our two ministries into an ideal partnership!

I had planned on returning to India next month to teach several pastors’ conferences, but my surgeon strongly warned me against it. So I have asked Pastor Vijay Raju, with whom I have worked on two other trips, to teach our Leadership and Marriage conferences in my place. So my cancellation is his opportunity to exercise his own spiritual gifts and abilities. And what better way to put into practice the vision implied by our name, Equipping Pastors International, than to turn over our ministry to indigenous, qualified pastors who already know the language, culture, issues and needs of their own people? Please pray for Vijay and his wife, Swarupa (below) as they plan and prepare for teaching trips throughout India during the month of March. You can follow their ministry at
Goals for 2009
I. M-Bags- I hope to send out up to 100 Leader’s Libraries by M-Bag this year, now that I can no longer travel overseas. I plan to continue contacting publishers, inquiring about discounts and even free books for this worthy cause.
II. TNARS Partnership- I plan to continue working with Dr. Larry Bray and Rev. Bill Bauerle of TNARS to get as many seminary level curricula into the hands of as many needy and eager pastors as I can.
III. Other Languages- I plan to begin looking for great Christian books, especially those that are already on my M-Bag list, in other languages (French, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, et al).
In His service, Ken Aull
PS If you would like to see a list of the books that are included in the Leader’s Libraries, you can find them at, in my last newsletter (Indian Summer 2008), under Updates on my page.

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